Leslie Maxfield Massage Therapy

Self care Collective monthly newsletter

January 25, 2025

Self care. Collective

Thank you to all who joined in this intentional gathering, it was a perfect January day ~ cold and clear with the warmth of the sun inspiring the intentions set as we move into a new year.  

I am filled with joy and gratitude for this shared experience and am already feeling total freedom from the old ~ allowing more space to create consciously.

As we move forward I will continue with this practice.  I encourage some journaling prior to our next meeting, we can fine tune the details on our path to  wellbeing.

January is a shift from the extroverted energy of the holiday season, it’s also a shift to the extreme cold that falls on the earth in the northern hemisphere.  This time of reflection is welcomed by the first mercury retrograde of the year that begins in December and closes in the first week of January.  Inviting us to rest, reset, rethink review and recalibrate.  Adapting  to  harsh cold weather of this month can be a challenge for some people, the key is to find the right tools to create balance in the mental, physical and emotional parts of our being.

 Generally speaking, we as a society spend too much time externally focused.   There is a lot happening in the world to distract us.

 The demands of  family, work, and school keep us attached  to our computers, technology and consumerism keeping us out of balance with the natural world and our true nature.   

These pressures of this can be tempered with our intentions and  daily self care.  

 Let us settle into a slower pace, be mindful,  taking small steps daily, gradually, becoming  resolutions that  lead to the new ways of life.   In this group my intention is to move together  through the year in  tending to a slower pace with awareness.   Allowing our desired intentions to grow and evolve with us as we travel around the sun once again .  This time connecting in person with the support of  community and attention on talking care of ourselves with love and kindness.

  Our first meeting we intentionally let go of what no longer serves to create space for new ways of operating, to create that connection to our place of power.

  Breath ~ movement ~ imagination ~ intention ~ discovery ~ clearing the path for us to live this year in a new way.

Active awareness 5 minutes upon rising

Upon waking each day paying attention to how you body feels internally and externally.       

    Is your mind racing to all the tasks that lie ahead?  Is your mind feeling foggy and your body sluggish?  Taking the first five minutes of your day to be present with the process of waking can be a wonderful way to connect with the intentions of how you want to feel and express your energy throughout your day.                                                                         

    Start by paying attention to how you wake ~ slow down ~ deep breaths ~  grounding your feet ~  engage your core and pelvic floor ~ activating your power center ~ taking your thoughts from the brain down into your heart space ~ returning to the heart space thorough your day.   Your heart space is a direct link to your intuition, it knows your truth.

Your ENERGY FIELD OF YOUR HEART is 5000 x as powerful as your brain  

Joe Dispenza


Awareness  tip~ throughout the day check in with yourself, if you notice you are feeling stress or anxious energy, pay attention to how you are moving.  Reset back to the moment where you started from.  The place of power created upon rising and slow down your movements. We tend to move quickly with jerky unstable motions under stress, intentionally slowing down to a pace slower than everyone else around you can be a powerful influence for change in the emotional energy you are expressing.

Fine tuning the large muscles groups

Rad rod ~ using this or a rolling pin to initiate some light pressure along the muscles of the lower legs, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and hips. Light rolling over the belly and low back also supports some energy and movement for the organs and glands.

Lacrosse ball ~ This tools is perfect for leaning into the large muscles of the glutes and hips to balance areas of tension. I find this to be my favorite way to erase soreness that arises during my day. After sittings too long, you can focus on the spot between the shoulders after working at the computer screen.

We will go deeper with this practices each month, please pay attention to your personal needs and we can explore new ideas for creating ease and comfort.

Moving Energy & Keeping our field clear   These techniques are essential for keeping our energy field healthy.  The practice of movement and intention is vital to our mental emotional and physical wellbeing.  Becoming aware of the laws of physics in particular, energy awareness is a very important part of preserving our power and protecting our field.  Movement is a great tool for connecting with our sovereign power, releasing  dissonant energies that are not ours. This should be a playful and imaginative exercise, personal to the experience. I use this exercise between clients, after returning home from errands or anytime I feel drained by a conversation or interaction that was difficult or stressful.  If you find yourself feeling a bit off at anytime in your day ask yourself is this mine or the dissonant energy from someone else?  Let your subtle awareness inspire movement to assist in cutting it away.  Simply breathe back into your own protected bubble, feeling clear and refreshed. 

Meditative awareness practice 15 minutes    This tool can be done anytime but is especially good for winding down in the evening before bed or if its been a long busy day and you want to be more present for the time spent with loved ones.  I love this when soaking in a hot bath or just resting in savasana on a yoga mat as we did together.

Scanning the whole body with awareness letting go of all that arises in our memory of the day with no judgment of good or bad, letting the breath take you to  a place of acceptance and letting go.  Starting at the top of the head moving slowly in our awareness down to the toes finding the movement that your body is asking for.  Touching and rubbing the areas that feel stagnant, allowing our breath to listen from the heart rather than the mind or the mental list of past present or future agendas, just the moment as we are here.  Asking for assistance from the highest level of consciousness within, our connection to source, love and light.  The forgiveness prayer is my favorite tool to allow transformation and can give us the freedom to find transformation from what we may have been holding onto that is ready to be let go.  Moving into a mindful state of awareness we can continue to the next phase of our day feeling grounded, refreshed and ready to connect with our loved ones, or those we will be sharing time with.

John Newton and Health beyond belief.com is my favorite resource to learn and practice the power of  forgiveness.  He offers a free session on ancestral clearing each month you can register on the website and experience his work first hand.  He also offers a weekly call series for beginners and also offers an advanced knowledge perspective.  I have been loving the transformation of this work and find it to be one of the most powerful tools in my practice.

The time shared working with each individual in the group really fueled the love I have  my massage practice. This experience brought me so much joy, thank you for sharing as we build this collective experience together. You may want to consider starting a journal as we go through this journey.

Next month will be a journey into the realm of self love, discovering how to tend to our personal needs in a loving way, transforming our relationships with others.  I invite you to consider the facets of  how you love your self to discover  what you are ready to let go of allowing more space to create.